Saturday, August 7, 2010


怎么说呢? 很简单,答案就在于自己过分的自信和自大。

这让我想回上个学期约week 7 或 8 的时候,受到挺大的打击。 若没记错,应该是mid term的分数太低, 差点就不及格了。那时都不知怎么搞的,从那天起就差不多每天都往library去读书。一读,就读到final去了。就这样,上个sem的成绩,虽然没考到First Honor,但也考得不错哦。看到自己的成绩是,也感到很欣慰,毕竟终于,看到自己的成果。^^

应该就是这样吧,现在感觉自己,人不像人,鬼不像鬼。或许是有点太夸张,但却觉得如此。都已经是week 10了,却一点点紧张,害怕的心情都没。嗨,应该是过于的自信吧,读书的态度都是得过且过,临时抱佛脚。想起来,自己都想打自己一顿呐。

考Auditing竟然可以考到脸都青,看到题目手都阵,写的答案也是凭空想象。接着就是Company Law。明明就把所有重点背了,但写的时候竟然头脑一片空白,记一些忘记一些,想起来,感觉自己真行呀。Performance Management 叻,更劲,方程式(formula)都会记 错。自己明明在计算方面占优势的,现在呢?呸!AFA 1&2, 第一张,要怪就怪自己上个是不听课。Lecturer上课时所教的‘废话’,竟然是重要的部分,但考试的程度是有点难,所以真的是无话可说。第二张,比起上一张,却是简单了很多。说实在的,只要有复习和回答是细心点,这张纸,根本就是在送分。这一回,送分,我还给他discount,因为至少30分都已经回馈给他了。

这一切一切已经成了定局,再也改变不了。唯一能改变的,就是我的读书方式和态度。记得妈妈曾经说过,不要盲目的跟着别人的脚步或方式,因为适合他人,不一定适合自己。在这,不是要责怪任何人,只是我早就该看穿着一切一切。又不是没经历过,但就是不懂得做好措施。看见其他人repeat,就告诉自己不要fail, 因为repeat,好辛苦呀。我这个人真是有口说人,没口说自己。会告诉朋友不好好读书就会要repeat, 自己却正在慢慢的搭上这条不归路。repeat不是钱的问题,而是时间,面子与态度的问题。


是时候戒掉平时糜烂的生活习惯,回到正常的读书生活。也是时候睡醒了。 该做出改变啦。希望 “亡羊而补牢,未为迟也”,可以应在我身上。



Friday, August 6, 2010

Harvey Two Face - Part 1

Harvey Two Face, one of the main character in Batman, which is topic for my blog entries. The message here is, everything have two sides or more, so just don't stay in one side, and never look at the other side.

During the last short semester, I recalled that there were more presentations than mid term test, which freak me out in the 1st week itself, as I hated and scared presentations. However, that semester is relaxing, and I score quite well. In the contrast, I have no presentations at all, but there'll be test to cover it. Initially I was happy, but turn out that somehow I prefer assignment + presentations, as I will learn more, rather than just studying whole day long.

Tests since week 7, from AFA, Auditing, Law & PM, and I'll be having AFA test 2 soon. Damn it. These lecturers are just expert in torturing students. When you know how to do, time is limited; when you don't, there are plenty of time for you, and facial expression turn to pale and green. How ironic. Hope that I won't have this for my coming test, I'll faint!!!

For some reason, friends just love to ask me to sit beside them, depending on me, some kind of stuff. *hahahahaha* I know what you're thinking, some just wanted some sense of calm & safety, while some really wanted to glance. know what..... Glance as much as you want, cause I'm not even confident in my answers....Bottom line, just DON'T make us get caught together and DON'T disturb me.

Seriously, cheat in the exam hall?? What you're thinking?? Having free pass all the way to graduation, that's easy for you. But then, just cheat as much as you can, I don't think you can really cheat all the way to graduation, cause I know you won't, you'll get the karma, just wait. A Uni student cheating in exam hall, I have nothing much to say, will only curse you failing those 4 credit hours and assignment subjects, that enough. Cursing is enough.

Expressing one's dissatisfaction towards another is normal, but there are some people thinking that it is a problem. Seriously?? what's the problem of just speaking out your freaking asshole mind. Too much gold in your mouth is it?? So pathetic, childish, just can't give absolute answer. Gosh....
