More details from the previous blog...
'pls respect your fren'. Damn, did you respect ppl in the 1st place. Normally guys 吹水 in conversation, that's normal. But sometimes, don't 吹水 in serious stuff. I heard from other people what's your requirement, YOURS, not OURS, of the 5th FYP member beginning of the semester. (1) good command of English (2) CGPA > 3.0, in the list (pres/dean) better still (3) very effective and efficient in doing stuff. Hello! We never asked those, you make those up, we ONLY asked for a person that can do stuff, without VERY. Damn, its not like we're in President List, we're only normal students. In my mind, can you get a mirror for yourself? Which criteria did you fulfill? NONE, k, NONE! Your English sucks, CGPA < 3.0, and sucks in handling report 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 Shit you man, my reputation is damage cause I looked scary all the time, and S being '串'. With those requirement you want, our reputation is totally gone. If you want to die, die alone, don't drag us into it. And you call all these RESPECT?
Credibility. What you say is totally rubbish. Eg: you tell W that C said this and that, then W told C what you said, and C is totally shock as she never said that. Eg2: You glanced C's blog when K was reading it, then you open C's blog and ask her stuff. C asked how you know my blog, and you say K told you. A friendship is gone because of your stupid mouth. K never show you, you glanced it, and K become the scapegoat. Good for you. I think that's enough, you just like to make up stories and damage people's friendship. RESPECT?
Harassing S day in and day out. You might done your part efficient, very fast, but effective? When you've done, S checked and asked you to make amendment, guess what. It's ok to defend your own job, but hello, just minor amendment, not redo-ing everything. But it doesn't matter on redo-ing, u know why? Copy and paste from other researchers, and putting our report on the higher risk of plagiarism. We want a possible A or A- result, not C or C+ result. and uhh... 'U want me to do a prefect report izzit' Walao, that's the biggest joke ever. Just use your ass and think this time, why would people want you to change if it is perfect? Change means got deficiency and lack of certain points k?
Keep on asking people 'where are you' or 'mana u all'. Come on, how old are you? UTAR is secure enough for students to walk around without afraid to get rape or snatching stuff. Some more, you're not strong enough to protect us. Want to go class then go class la, what for waiting for ppl? Izzit that if we're not attending, you're not going as well? Where's the logic? Study is one's effort and understanding, not through going to class with friends. What else.. keep on asking on small minor stuff that can be get through email and wble, that's what technology is made for. Which venue, what time, replacement or not, just check your email and wble, it's available. Fuck you. Minor stuff also need to ask non stop. If its IDK2 then its IDK2, it wont suddenly change to IDK4 without informing everyone. Brainless.
You want RESPECT, I'll give you mine if you manage to hide under your mom's skirt. Then I'll respect you of being to squeeze inside, and have the dare to do so. You expect me to understand you, why don't you understand how I behave 1st?
忍很久, so? All above happens since this semester begins, you think you're the only one that tahan very long. Not just you, others as well. No point bringing everything up to the table. We're all '醒目' enough to act and not to act at times, unlike you. Destroying everything for no reason. I really don't care if you like me or not, I do not need your respect or like-ness to survive in this world, I still have other true real relationship that cares and understands me. If you hate me that much, and really 忍很久, know what? Just fuck off from my face and social circle. Get a life, suck it up. I DON'T CARE, its not like I haven't done it before.
Till then